




CBDには、精神作用がありません。CBDに関する様々な論文で動物と人に対して安全性が高いと評価を受けており、また、世界保健機関WHOでは2018年6月にCBDの安全性が評価され、国際薬物条約における麻薬に該当しないことを勧告しています。(日本カンナビノイド協会HPより) ただし、処方されたお薬とCBDを併用する場合は、必ず医師あるいは薬剤師に相談の上、ご使用ください。



What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a distinctive nutrient found in hemp and belongs to the group of phytochemicals present in various vegetables, fruits, and plants. The CBD distributed in Japan is extracted from hemp stems and seeds, which are not subject to regulations.

In more formal terms, it's referred to as Cannabidiol, a specific component among the cannabinoids found in hemp. The CBD products available in Japan are sourced from the non-regulated parts of the hemp plant, namely the stalks and seeds. There's a growing interest in its potential applications in the fields of beauty and health, making it a noteworthy trend in recent years.

Is CBD really safe?

CBD available and used at Amira CBD Spa is compeltely legal because it follows Japan's regulations for the CBD to be extracted from only the stalk and seed of the hemp plant.

It's important to note that CBD doesn't have any psychoactive effects. Numerous studies on CBD have consistently rated its safety highly for both animals and humans. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) evaluated CBD's safety in June 2018 and recommended that it doesn't fall under the category of narcotics in international drug treaties (information sourced from the Japan Cannabinoid Association website). However, if you plan to use CBD alongside prescribed medications, it's always a good idea to consult with a doctor or pharmacist beforehand.

What is the relationship between CBD and ECS?

The relationship between CBD (cannabidiol) and the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is akin to a supportive partnership within our body. The ECS is a system responsible for maintaining balance in various bodily processes. It consists of endocannabinoids, which are natural compounds produced by our body, receptors (CB1 and CB2) that respond to these compounds, and enzymes that break down endocannabinoids after they've fulfilled their role. CBD collaborates with the ECS by influencing it in a friendly manner. While not directly attaching to receptors, CBD helps endocannabinoids linger longer by slowing down the enzymes that break them down. It indirectly enhances receptor activity and can even change their shape, affecting their signaling. This interaction is thought to produce beneficial effects, such as reducing pain, inflammation, and anxiety.